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Show and Tell - February 2023

Our first speaker of the year was our very own Benta, telling us how her 'Ginger' project had helped save her sanity over lock down.  At the end of her entertaining talk she gavve us all a 'ginger' (felt gingerbread person) to take home and decorate.  We look forward to seeing them return to our meetings in the the future!

We enjoyed lots of show and tell from our busy members.

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Jane had taken some Disney orphan blocks and made this super cute quilt.

Hele made this fabulous bright quilt - almost as beautiful on the back as on the front, and her largest quilt to date.

Debbie used some of her own scraps and orphans to make this little cutie for the local premie baby unit.

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Sue was able to show us her amazing mind bending quilt from the workshop with   Paula Doyle in November

Ursula had used a number of jumpers to create this stylish patchwork jacket.

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Plum had taken four different orphan piles from the table last month, and used them to make two baby quilts, a folder cover and a cushion cover.

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